Saturday, November 15, 2014

O9 Container List 2014

1 compressor 傳統空壓機 785
2 press 沖床 921
3 pallet truck 拖板車 133
4 robin water pump robin打水 93
5 elevated 升高機 128
6 blower 鼓風機 392
7 blower 鼓風機 37
8 robin water pump robin打水 23
9 cooling oil drums oil box 158
10 water pump 小水龜 17
11 drill 鑽床 181
12 print punp 打漆 115
13 tools tools 38
14 extension cable 捲線盤 21
15 270 wedding genset 270 474
16 dcx 140 wedging dcx-140ss 188
17 hitach screw compressor screw 435
18 wedding machine 焊機 1972
19 wedding machine 焊機 361
20 new k 500 wedding machine new k 500 143
21 acx 140 wedding acx 140 155
22 motor motor 1426
23 ebara water pump water pump 324
24 staness water pump 白鐵pump 153
25 rex  pipes bud machine 牙機 89
26 staness water pump 白鐵打水 1280
27 cooling compressor 冷凍機 400
28 new blower with wood box 新風鼓 229
29 steel valve 生鐵閥 194
30 staness valve 白鐵閥 120
31 plastic wheel 塑輪 204
32 Distribution boxes 配線箱 620
33 fire pump with car 消防車 280
34 backhoes bucket 怪手捉斗 1917
35 hand farm machine yc70 犂田機yc70 260
36 hand farm machine yc70dg 犂田機yc70dg 271
37 hand farm machine yh800 犂田機yh800 254
38 small Aluminum gear motor 鋁製小馬達r 481
39 motor 馬達 625
40 tools 工具 671
41 chain block 鍊猴 1071
42 Electricity hoist 電動天車 479
43 tampering 蹬龜 863
44 winch 捲揚機 623
45 new winch 新捲揚機 180
46 fan 電扇 28
47 sing piston 7 hp 鐵牛頭 7hp 101
48 sing piston ns90 鐵牛頭 104
49 blower 鼓風機 146
50 food pump 食品pump 942
51 tools tools 655
52 wedding machine 焊機 696
53 prant pump 打漆 47
54 robin water pump robin打水 31
55 3 feet lathe machine 車床 4557

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