Friday, July 31, 2015

Submersible Pump Test and Prices

Submersible Pump1 (Blue colored) and Submersible Pump2 (brown colored)

Submersible Pump1 (Blue colored) Test 1

Submersible Pump1 (Blue colored) Test 2

It can go higher (It can go even higher if you use a hose)
Submersible Pump2 (brown colored) test

*Submersible Pump1 (blue) weighs about 52kgs. Price is 10,500php
*Submersible Pump2 (brown) weighs about 27.12 kgs. Price is 5,800php

Submersible Pump3 (another brown colored pump)

Submersible Pump3 test

*Submersible Pump3 (brown) weighs about 13.96 kgs. Price is 3,500php